The story behind
Green Story

Green Story is a third party focused on transparency and data accuracy and enable us to 1: visualise the impact of our essentials ánd 2: make them carbon neutral.


Life Cycle Assessment

Through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology Green Story helps to quantify and show our products' impact in a powerful, accurate and relatable way. In other words you get to see the positive impact of our essentials. (Image left: this is an example of how we visualise the impact of each product).


Simplizero Ecommerce

The offset of our emissions is realised through various projects. What Green Story refers to as 'Simplizero Ecommerce'. This is what helps make all our essentials carbon neutral and brings you along on our journey towards net zero - from awareness and consideration, through to purchase and after-purchase.

Projects we support


Hudson Farm Improved Forest, US

Trees are good for so many things, but mainly to catch all the carbon out of the air and transforming it to oxygen again for us to breathe in. The more trees we plant, the greener the earth gets and the cleaner the air becomes again.

It’s why we back this reforestation programme in the US. The Hudson Farm Improved Forest covers around 3,600 acres which is protected and captures around 52,000 Metric tons of CO2 annually.


Safe Community Water, Rwanda

We always say that people are our most valued asset. Without them we are nowhere. It’s why we choose to support a project that focusses on the wellbeing of people, in particular improving access to clean water.

This social project in the rural areas of Rwanda provides clean water, among other things, to ensure a better quality of life for the communities that live there.


Harmanlik Wind Power Plant, Turkey

A lot of our essentials are produced by our partners in Turkey. So backing up a project there just seems like the most logical thing to do.

This particular project has created the infrastructure needed to generate renewable energy and is a permanent source of clean energy.

With 50 Megawatts of installed power, this project generates roughly 166 GigaWatt hours of electricity per year.


From Carbon Neutral to Carbon Negative

Green Story helps us offset our Carbon Emissions through various projects. As of now that helps us being a Carbon Neutral clothing company. It's our goal to start doubling our offset in the future.. we'll become worlds first Carbon Negative clothing company.

Official partner since 2022

Everyday we are working toward more transparency around our responsible practices regarding creating, producing and distributing our essentials. Green Story is of great essence in making our impact and offset visible.

Mach mit bei A-dam.

Verpasse nichts. 10% Rabatt auf deine erste Bestellung.


Wir sind eine ehrgeizige Unterwäschemarke aus Amsterdam, die sich auf verantwortungsvolle Stoffe der Zukunft konzentriert. Wir glauben, dass der Planet Erde unser Paradies ist, deshalb tun wir alles, was wir können, damit dies auch so bleibt.

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    +31(0)20 261 1896
  3. Adresse

    Danzigerbocht 27C

    1013 AM Amsterdam

    The Netherlands

  4. Öffnungszeiten

    Mo-Fr 9:00 - 19:00 CET

© A-dam Underwear B.V.